Executive Summary
This proposal is to build a viral video campaign for British Embassy in
With the opening of the grand event EXPO approaching, tourists’ interests are increased, all participating countries start promoting their own pavilions to attract visits. However, the basic information for tourists as where to live, where to eat, how to visit, and what’s difference between EXPO trip and an ordinary tourist trip to China are still provided mostly by traditional travel agencies or books.
Share useful tips and handy information about travelling in
Go Easy to the
Target Audience:Tourists who are
- Interested in travelling specifically for EXPO
- Unfamiliar with
- Aiming at an easy & fun trip instead of exploring & experiencing
- Create character & brand by stop animation
Mr. E would be the brand for this campaign. E stands for easy, enjoy and EXPO;Mr. E’s characters would be a bit laid-back, clumsy, not fussy, has passion for exotic travelling but not really into DIY trip, quiet, with a sense of humour;
The unique style of stop animation decides it’s the best way to present such characters of Mr. E, as its usage of real texture to create original, genuine, fun and nostalgia atmosphere.
Appearance of clumsy but cute Mr. E in a simple viral video with little background introduction will attract interests from audience in a relatively short time. Stop animation style has its own charm in terms of attracting interests.
- Build up connection with audience through online community and real-life interaction
After the viral video, online community will be built up on the basis of widely shared interests for Mr. E. It’s a direct and integrated communication channel with target audience. And the real-life appearance of Mr. E and its interaction with audience will help to maintain and increase the connection in an emotional level.
- Share information through social media platforms
Mr. E will share his tips and useful information during travelling through social media platforms, so that any members of the online community will be receiving the information at real time, in a simple way.
- April: Mr. E appears in stop-animation viral video
First Viral Video launch on Youtube, a month’s time given for spreading out;
Background introduction will be as simple and short as possible to raise general curiosity;
No youtube channel would be set up at this stage to keep the video genuine and close to the audience
Based on the growing interests, Mr. E will have his own fan page and twitter account;
Mr. E’s facebook fan page will mostly be used to upload pictures and videos of him travelling in EXPO, and to start discussion and chat inside the community, while his twitter account will mostly be used to release useful tips and travel information. The function of the two social media tools will be clearly separated so that audience don’t get confused and know exactly where to find the information they want;
Mr. E will have a second stop animation video and then, have his own youtube channel, which would be used for the sequel throughout the EXPO period.
Mr. E continues to share tips and information of restaurants in
3rd stop animation video updated on Youtube channel, theme of restaurants too;
Mr. E will give a general introduction of “things you can’t miss out” in EXPO, both on facebook and twitter, to raise enough interests and participation;
Meanwhile, Mr. E will continue to explore
Mr. E will go to visit the most representative pavilions, pictures taken with certain part of pavilions as background of Mr. E and shared on facebook, start a quiz of “which country does this pavilion belong?”
This is just for fun experience and no prize or awards will be given
Mr. E’s 5th video will have both stop animation and real video footage, to leak the first bit of surprise
A real Mr. E (a prop man wearing costume) pops up at different landmarks in the city and EXPO at random time, doing funny things or doing nothing, in the crowd, making clumsy movements but with happy and satisfied expressions, start the discussion of “Look, Mr. E is there, he’s around us!”
Online community members bumped into Mr. E on street and being videotaped and shared online;
After measurement, Mr. E may continue his journey to
(Brand to use for British Embassy in
Activities of Facebook fans and twitter followers will be monitored throughout the whole campaign:
- How many fans/followers in total;
- Quantity and content of daily discussions;
- How often new discussions and replies to old discussions appear
Analysis in depth regarding youtube viewing traffic